Wednesday 21 September 2011

Anna Effect: MBA Students Studies Life In Villages

Hazare's clarion call gives platform to creative talents

ALLAHABAD: The celebrations hailing win of Anna Hazare and his Jan Lokpal Bill has not yet ended in the Sangam city. Citizens during Anna's fast had expressed solidarity by naming a cheaper and tastier version of paan as 'Anna Paan' and a thaali. And now they are composing poems and launching email campaigns to make the public aware about the menace of corruption and ways to eliminate it.

"Everyone in the contemporary society is habitual of paying bribes for every second work. We have got much needed relief in form of Anna, and we should resolve neither to pay nor accept bribe in any form. This would be the best way to pay our tributes to Anna Hazare and others like him, who went on fast and shook the foundations of the government," said Dr K D Tripathi.

"I decided to use my skill of playing with the words and inspire my friends to show the naked truth of how prevalent is corruption in our society, said Aditi Purwar," a V semester electronic engineer of J K Institute of Allahabad University. The Hindi poem, titled Kranti (revolution) has been posted by Aditi at her facebook account and she is getting applauds for her poem.

Equally ecstatic were the group of eight III semester students of MBA Rural Management of G B Pant Institute of Social Sciences of Allahabad University who visited various villages of different rural segments of the district. "It was an opportunity for us to see the entire event with managerial approach as to how a single man can unite the entire nation for one cause. We not only studied but witnessed the change in attitude as to how the Gandhi topi, which was otherwise forgotten by the youths, is being used by superstar to common man," said Ashutosh Pandey.In the earlier stages labourers, engaged in mining works around Allahabad, were not aware of their rights, but were equally tired of paying bribes for little work from making of ration cards to BPL cards, said Rudra Pratap Singh. "We saw how the patriotic songs, heard only on Republic Day or Independence Day were on the lips of the rural folks and Vande Mataram and Bharat Mata ki Jai was shouted by children," he added.To salute Anna Hazare, this group has declared to publish an e-magazine 'I am Anna'. The e-magazine topic consist of topics like what is corruption, learn leadership from Anna, role of Anna in democracy, effect of Anna movement in India, managerial approach of team Anna, a brief introduction of Anna and consequence of Anna movement.

Similarly, a large board was installed at the main crossing of Civil Lines wherein people wrote their comments regarding Anna, his team and their own view about how they were aggrieved by the menace of corruption.

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