Friday 14 October 2011

CM lies in Assembly on Illegal Mining

Goa's Chief Minister Digambar Kamat has been evading the guilt on the illegal mining scam in Goa under one pretext or another. In a Legislative Assembly Question (LAQ) document which shows that CM states that there are 82 operational mines with all statutory permissions; however when investigated into this matter, we learnt that 17 out of those mines mentioned by the CM do not have environmental clearances and also many mining leases approvals are pending…

On the subject ‘Mines Operational in the State’, Starred LAQ No: 13B answered on 5/4/2011. The Chief Minister - Minister for Mines was asked the following questions;
Q1: Will the Minister for Mines be pleased to state the number of mines operational/functional in the state at present?
CM: There are 82 mines presently under Operation in the State of Goa.

Q2: The number of functional mines that have all permissions/NOCs and have fulfilled all statutory requirements at present?
CM: Same as above

Q2: The details of mines which are operating without permissions/NOCs/ statutory requirements at present, the area of their operating, turnover of mines and production for last ten years?
CM: No such instances have some to our notice.

In the annexure copy provided by the Chief Minister and Directorate of Mines on the 82 operational mines; when Team corroborated the information with Environmental Clearance documents provided by the Directorate of Mines, it clearly shows that 17 of the 82 operational mines which are claimed by the Chief Minister to have all the permissions /NOCs and statutory requirements at present do not have the required Environmental Clearance from either the wildlife or forest department at the Centre and state.
We have attached the government document of the assembly session submission by Digambar Kamat wherein he clearly states that these 82 mines have got all the necessary permissions. However, it is surprising to note that over Rs 3912 crore worth of iron-ore has been illegally mined by the mining companies and contractors; and the Chief Minister tells the House in the Assembly that illegal mining does not take place, and certainly not in these operational mines.
It is important to note that out of the 82 operational mines as claimed by the CM, only seven have got their mining leases renewed and two have executed the lease deed. (We have attached the government document)
(Please note for computation purpose we have taken the value as Rs 4000 per ton)

(Courtesy: Goa Chronicle)

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